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PBFC 2009 International Conference on Polymer Batteries and Fuell Cell. Yokogama, Japan 2-6.08.2009 >>
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NATO Advanced Study Institute (NATO ASI): Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Technology. Sozopol, Bulgaria 6-17.09.2004 >>

Personalities in Science

Professor George A. Gogotsi

 Keldish M.V.,  Gogotsi G.A., Vinogradov P.A.
At the laboratory during testing of ceramics for heat resistance during its heating, modeling the startup mode of the electric rocket engine
From left to right:
President of Academy of Sciences of USSR Keldish M.V., Gogotsi G.A.,
Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences. of USSR Vinogradov P.A.

Professor George A. Gogotsi is a lead researcher at the G. S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the R&D director at the Materials Research Centre. His scientific interests include the behavior of various brittle materials (ceramics, single crystals, glass, refractories) under mechanical and thermal loading over wide temperature ranges and the physical processes governing their deformation and fracture, which were also the subjects of his Ph.D. (1967) and D.Sc. (1986) theses.
He studied the ceramics and different ceramic composites for magnetohydrodynamic generators, rocket engines, continuous-casting machines, gas-turbine, and armored protection; as well single crystals of zirconia and alumina for scalpels and dental and orthopedic implants. For these studies, new testing methods and setups were developed (and protected by 40 inventor’s certificates of the USSR). Among his original inventions are setups and methods for determining mechanical characteristics of brittle materials in the temperature range -150°С –1500°С, setups for heat-resistance testing of hollow cylindrical specimens (heating to 2800°С at a programmed heating rate followed by the laser measurement of thermal expansion), panel radiant-heat furnace awarded a Gold Medal of the All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, and many other. This made it possible to conduct research at the highest scientific and technological level and to publish the results in national and international journals. Gogotsi introduced such concepts related to applied mechanics of materials as “brittleness measure,” “base diagram,” “R-line,” etc. He also participates in the development of new ceramic materials, especially those based on zirconia, for engineering and medicine (protected by 10 inventor’s certificates of the USSR and patents of Ukraine). Gogotsi is the author and a co-author of more than 270 scientific publications in national and international journals (his ISI h-index = 12).
After being graduated from the Kiev Polytechnical Institute as a turbine engineer, Gogotsi started his work at the design office of the South Turbine Plant where the first Soviet marine gas turbine was created (he used this experience when participated in the development of the first Soviet ceramic tank turbine and its materials). Later, he worked at the Turbine Department of the Kiev Polytechnical Institute and at the Institute of Thermophysics and as an R&D administrator at the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. At that time, he also conducted research at the Institute for Problems of Materials Science.

G.A. Gogotsi (left) informs Dr. P. Garvey (Federal Organization for Scientific and Industrial Research, Australia) on the results of innovative researching of ceramic steel invented by him(Вечерний Киев 21.02.1991г.)
G.A. Gogotsi (left) informs Dr. P. Garvey (Federal Organization for Scientific and Industrial Research, Australia) on the results of innovative researching of ceramic steel invented by him (Vechirniy Kyiv 21.02.1991г.)

In the 1960s, Gogotsi was a member of the Committee of Youth Organizations of Ukraine, vice chairman of the Federation of Tourism, and a chairman of the Board of Tourism Judges of Ukraine. He took part in the organization of underwater sports. In the 1970s, he was a member of the Science and Engineering Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on direct conversion of thermal and nuclear energy to electricity, which was then headed by A. P. Aleksandrov, future President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, cooperated with academician V. P. Mishin (a follower of S. P. Korolev, the founder of the Soviet rocket technology), academician M. D. Millionshchikov (a noted expert in nuclear engineering), and other outstanding scientists, and was an academic secretary of the Ukrainian Branch of this council then headed by A. N. Shcherban, a deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In the 1980s, Gogotsi was a member of the Armored-Protection Commission of the Industry-Military System of the USSR. After withdrawing from defense research, he worked as an administrator and researcher in Comecon ceramics projects and was the director of a diversified company Gobor Inc. In 1990 and 1992, Gogotsi was trained in Australia.
Now Gogotsi is the chairman of the Technical Committee on Engineering Ceramics of the State Standard of Ukraine and a member of the editorial board of the Russian journal Ogneupory (Refractories). In 1999, he was elected a professor of the Institute of Materials (Great Britain).
In addition to research and engineering activity, Gogotsi worked as a sports, engineering, and science journalist for Ukrainian newspapers and magazines. He participated in the preparation of the first Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia.
More details of Gogotsi’s biography can be found in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Science and Еngineering (Marquis, the USA), The Cambridge Blue Book (Great Britain), and other biographic information publications.

Tel. E-mail
+38(044) 285 44 64
+38(063) 308 54 87

Selected publications list of Profеssor G. A. Gogotsi

1. G. A. Gogotsi and S. P. Mudrik, Glasses: New approach to fracture behavior analysis, J. Non-Cryst. Solids (2010), 1021-1026.
2. G. A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, S.P. Mudrik, B.I. Ozersky, V.V. Khvorostyany, T.A. Khristevich, Fracture resistance estimation of elastic ceramics in edge flaking: EF baseline, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 30 (2010) 1223-1228.
3. G. A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, S.P. Mudrik, B.I. Ozersky, V.V. Khvorostyany, T.A. Khristevich, Fracture behaviour of Y-TZP ceramics: New outcomes, Ceramics international, 36 (2010) 345-350.
4. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture behaviour of Mg–PSZ ceramics: Comparative estimates, Ceramics International, 35(2009) 2735 – 2740.
5. G. A. Gogotsi, S. P. Mudrik, Fracture barrier estimation by the edge fracture test method, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1871 – 1875.
6. G.A. Gogotsi, Mechanical behaviour of a silicon nitride particulate ceramic composite, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1109-1114.
7. G. A. Gogotsi, S. P. Mudrik, V. I. Galenko, Evaluation of fracture resistance of ceramics: Edge fracture tests, Ceramics International, 33 (2007) 315–320.
8. G. A. Gogotsi, Flaking toughness of advanced ceramics: ancient principle revived in modern times, Mat. Res. Innov. , 10-2, (2006) 45-47 179-186.
9. M. Lugovoy, V. Slyunyayev, V. Subbotin, N. Orlovskaya, G. A. Gogotsi, Crack arrest in Si3N4-based layered composites with residual stress, Compos. Sci. Technol., 64 (2004) 1947-1957.
10. G.A. Gogotsi, Fracture toughness of ceramics and ceramic composites, Ceramics International, 29 (2003) 777-784.
11. M. Lugovoy, V. Orlovskaya, G. A. Slyunyayev, G. J. Kubler, A. Sanchez-Herencia, Crack bifurcation features in laminar specimens with fixed total thickness, Compos. Sci. Technol., 62 (2002) 819-830.
12. G. A. Gogotsi M. Lugovoy, Local stochastic analysis of microcracking and non-elastic behavior of ceramics, Theoret. Appl. Fract. Mech., 36 (2001) 115-213.
13. K. Kleveland, N. Orlovskaya, T. Grande, A.-M. Moe, M.-A. Einarsrud, K. Breder, G. A. Gogotsi Ferroelastic behavior of LaCoO3-based ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84 (2001) 2029-2033.
14. G.A. Gogotsi, Mechanical behavior of yttria and ferric oxide-doped zirconia at different temperatures, Ceramics International, 24 (1998) 589-595.
15. G.A. Gogotsi, Elastic-inelastic and inelastic-elastic transitions in ZrO2 materials, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 17 (1997) 1213-1215.
16. G.A. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, M.V. Swain, Mechanical property characterization of a 9 mol% Ce-TZP ceramic material: 2. Fracture toughness, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 16 (1996) 545-551.
17. G.A. Gogotsi, D.Yu. Ostrovoy, Deformation behavior of partially stabilized ZrO2 crystals in the temperature range of tetragonal to monoclinic transformation, J. Mater. Sci. Let., 15 (1996) 1467-1470.
18. S.N. Dub, G.A. Gogotsi, E.E. Lomonova, Hardness and fracture toughness of tetragonal zirconia single crystals, J. Mater. Sci. Let., 14 (1995) 46-49.
19. G.A. Gogotsi, D.Yu. Ostrovoy, Mechanical behavior of partially stabilized zirconia crystals with terbia and ceria additives, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 15 (1995) 1177-1184.
20. G.A. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, M.V. Swain, Mechanical property characterization of a 9 mol% Ce-TZP ceramic material: 1. Flexural response, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 15 (1995) 1185-1192.
21. G.A. Gogotsi, D.Yu. Ostrovoy, Indentation fracture of Y2O3 partially stabilized ZrO2 crystals, J. Mater. Sci. Let., 14 (1995) 1406-1409.
22. G.A. Gogotsi, S.N. Dub, E.E. Lomonova, B.I. Ozersky, Vickers and Knoop indentation behavior of cubic and partially stabilized zirconia crystals, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 15 (1995) 405-413.
23. G.A. Gogotsi, D.Yu. Ostrovoy, Deformation and strength of engineering ceramics and single crystals, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 15 (1995) 271-281.
24. G.A. Gogotsi, E.E. Lomonova, Yu.A. Furmanov, I.M. Savitskaya, Zirconia crystals suitable for medicine: 1. Implants, Ceramics International, 20 (1994) 343-348.
25. G.A. Gogotsi, E.E. Lomonova, V.G. Pejchev, Strength and fracture toughness of zirconia crystals, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 11 (1993) 123-132.
26. G.A. Gogotsi, Yu.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, The effects of air and sodium salts on the strength of silicon-nitride-based ceramics, Mater. High Temp., 9 (1991) 209-216.
27. A.D. Drozdov, V.O. Galenko, G.A. Gogotsi, M.V. Swain, Acoustic emission during micro- and macrocrack growth in Mg-PSZ, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 74 (1991) 1922-1927.
28. A. Krell, T. Reich, A. Beger, G.A. Gogotsi, Y.L. Groushevsky, The effect of SiO2 on high temperature deformation and strength of zirconia-toughened alumina, J. Mater. Sci., 26 (1991) 4637-4642.
29. G.A. Gogotsi, Deformation behavior of ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 7 (1991) 87-92.
30. S.P. Badwal, M.V. Swain, G.A. Gogotsi, Ionic conductivity of 2 mol% Y2O3 + 2 mol% Yb2O3-ZrO2 single grain, Mater. Forum, 15 (1991) 383-387.
31. G. A. Gogotsi, Thermal stress behavior of yttria, scandia and AlN ceramics, Ceramics International, 5 (1990) 31-35.
32. G. A. Gogotsi, The use of brittleness measure x to represent mechanical behavior of ceramics, Ceramics International, 15 (1989) 127-129.
33. G. A. Gogotsi, Yu.G. Gogotsi, D.Yu. Ostrovoy, Mechanical behavior of hot-pressed boron carbide in various atmospheres, J. Mater. Sci. Let., 7 (1988) 814-816.
34. G. A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevsky, O.B. Dashevskaya, Yu.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, Complex investigation of hot-pressed boron carbide, J. Less-Common Metals, 117 (1986) 225-230. (в 1992 г. Переименован в Journal of alloys and compounds : an interdisciplinary journal of materials science and solid-state chemistry and physics).
35. G. A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevsky, Statistical studies of the strength of inelastic ceramics, Ceramics International 8 (1982) 22-26.
36. G. A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevsky, K.K. Strelov, The significance of non-elastic deformation in the fracture of heterogeneous ceramic materials, Ceramics International, 4 (1978) 113-118.

Scientific articles (without Impact factor)
outside the former USSR

1. G.A. Gogotsi, Fracture resistance of ceramics: direct measurements, Advan. Sci. Techn. 45 (2006) 95-100.
2. F. Berto, G.A. Gogotsi, P. Lazzarin, Generalised stress intensity factors applied to fracture toughness data from V-notches with small root radius, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fracture, Turin (Italy), 2005.
3. G.Gogotsi, S. Mudrik, A. Rendtel, Sensitivity of silicon carbide and other ceramics to edge fracture: method and results, in: Lara-Curzio, E., Readey, M. (Eds.), 28th Int. Conf. Advan. Ceram. and Compos.: B. Am. Ceram. Soc., Westerville. 25 (2004) 156–163.
4. G.A. Gogotsi, Fracture toughness studies on ceramics and ceramic particulate composites at different temperatures,in: Salem, J.A., Quinn, G.D., Jenkins, M.G. (Eds.), Fracture Resistance Testing of Monolithic and Composite Brittle Materials. STP 1409, ASTM Int., West Conshohocken (2002) 199–212.
5. D.Y. Lee, G.A.Gogotsi, D.-J. Kim, N.-J.Park., Hydrothermal stability of zirconia ceramics, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 39 (2002) 190-193 (in Korean).
6. M.A. Borik, Yu.K. Voronko, E.E. Lomonova, V.V.Osiko, V.A. Sarin, G.A.Gogotsi, Mechanical properties of PSZ crystals grown by skull melting technique: influence of technology conditions, in: Bradt R.C., Munz D., Sakai M., V.Yu. Shevchenko, R.R.White (Eds.), Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, 13 (2002) 485-496.
7. G.A. Gogotsi, Mechanical behavior of zirconia crystals, in: VincenziniP. (Ed.) 9th Cimtec-World Ceram. Cong., Techna Srl., Italy, (1999) 759-766.
8. G.A. Gogotsi, Raman investigation and mechanical behavior of zirconia, Proc. of ASME’97, USA, (1998) 187-195.
9. G.A. Gogotsi, I. Malecki, J. Ranachowski, Zastosowanie metody emisji akustycznej do badania procesu zniszczenia materialow ceramicznych pod obciazeniem mechanicznym, Ceramics’54, Polish Ceram. Bull. 16 (1997) 503-513.
10. G.A. Gogotsi, Deformation behavior of ceramics materials at low and high temperatures, Thermal Stresses’97, (1997) 695-698.
11. S.N. Dub, G.A.Gogotsi, Indentation fracture toughness of zirconia ceramics, J. Aust. Ceram. Soc. 32 (1996) 11-15.
12. Gogotsi G., Ostrovoy D., Strength and fracture of partially stabilized zirconia crystals under different loading conditions, Fourth Euro Ceram., Faenza, Italy, 3 (1995) 107-114.
13. Semchenko G.D., Scorodumova O.B., Gogotsi G.A., Elaboration of ultra fine mullite powder and strong advanced ceramics from sol-gel method, Fourth Euro Ceram., Faenza, Italy, 3 (1995) 97-104.
14. Gogotsi, G., Ostrovoy D., Deformation and fracture of zirconia for energy application, Ceram. in Energy Application, (1994) 369-379.
15. G.A. Gogotsi, The significance of non-elastic deformation in the thermal shock of heterogeneous ceramics materials, in: Schneider G, Petzow G. (Eds.), Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Advan. Ceram., Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands, (1993) 279-291.
16. G.A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, V.P. Zavada, M.V. Swain, Influence of heating rate on the thermal strain induced fracture of Mg-PSZ ceramics, in: Schneider G, Petzow G. (Eds.), Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Advan. Ceram., Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands, (1993) 293-305.
17. G.A. Gogotsi, M. Swain, Comparison of strength and fracture toughness of single and polycrystalline zirconia, Sci. and Technol. of Zirconia V, Technomic Publ. Corp., Lancaster-Basel (1993) 347-359.
18. G.A. Gogotsi, Test methods of advanced ceramics – reasonable approaches to certification of ceramics, Key Eng. Mater., 56-57 (1991) 419-434.
19. G.A. Gogotsi, A.V. Drozdov, V.P. Zavada, M.V. Swain, Comparison of the mechanical behavior of zirconia partially stabilized with yttria and magnesia, J. Aust. Ceram. Soc., 27 (1991) 37-43.
20. Herrmann M., Kessler S., Taut Ch., Gogotsi G., Zavada V., Microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered reaction bonded silicon nitride, in: Carlsson R., Johansson T., Kahlman L. (Eds.), 4th Int. Symp. Ceram. Mater. and Components for Engines, Elsevier Appl. Sci. (1991) 237-243.
21. G.A. Gogotsi, Festigkeitsprobleme von keramischen werkstoffen, Silikattechnik, 39 (1986) 25-28.
22. G.A. Gogotsi, A.N. Negovsky, Non-destructive control in thermal shock resistance testing of structural ceramics, 9th Cong. Mater. Testing, Budapest, vol.11 (1986) 610-611.
23. G.A. Gogotsi, A.N. Negovsky, Evaluation of ceramic fracture caused by thermal shock, Adv. Fracture Res. 4 (1984) 2701-2709.
24. G.A. Gogotsi, A.V. Drozdov, A.N. Negovsky, Acoustic emission during deformation and fracture of ceramics, Proc. Conf. Ultrasonic Int., Halifax, Canada, (1983) 67-73.
25. G.A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevsky, Investigation of thermal shock resistance of ceramic materials under programmed heating, in: Heller R., Hasselmann D. (Eds.), Thermal Stress in Severe Environments, Plenum Publ. Corp., N.Y. (1980) 591-606.
26. G.A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevsky, Investigation of strength of ceramic materials taking into account the peculiarities of their mechanical behavior, 21st Polish Solid Mechan. Conf., Porabka-Kozubnic, (1979) 49-50.

Articles in Ukrainian and Russian journals (with Impact factor), published after the devision of the former USSR

1. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture toughness testing of materials by the EF method, Inorganic Materials, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 567-572, 2006.
2. G. A. Gogotsi, Crack resistance of modern ceramics and ceramic composites. II. EF method, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, vol. 45, no. 7-8, p. 328-336, 2006.
3. G. A. Gogotsi, Crack resistance of modern ceramics and ceramic composites. I. SEVNB-method, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, vol. 43, no. 7-8, pp. 371-382, 2004.
4. D. Yu. Ostrovoi, G. A. Gogotsi, S. A. Suvorov and A. P. Shevchik, Strain and fracture of a ceramic based on lanthanum chromite, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 43, no. 7-8, pp. 237-246, 2002.
5. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, B. I. Ozerskii, A. D. Vasil’ev and V. I. Korban, Fracture toughness, strength, and other characteristics of yttria-stabilized zirconium ceramics, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 257-263, 2000.
6. O. N. Grigor’ev, G. A. Gogotsi, Yu. G. Gogotsi, V. I. Subbotin and N. P. Brodnikovskii, Synthesis and properties of ceramics in the SiC — B4C - MeB2 system, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, vol. 39, no. 5-6, pp. 239-250, 2000.
7. G. A. Gogotsi, Micro-raman studies on materials based on zirconium dioxide, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 186-192, 1999.
8. G. A. Gogotsi, Crack resistance of ceramics and composites with ceramic matrix (SEVNB method), Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 39, no. 11-12, pp. 397-403, 1998.
9. G. A. Gogotsi, Raman spectroscopy and mechanical behavior of zirconia materials, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 224-230, 1997.
10. M.A. Aboimov, M.A. Borik, G.A. Gogotsi, V.F. Kalabukhova, E.E. Lomonova, V.A. Myzina, Phase transitions in crystals of partially stabilized zirconia, Inorganic Materials, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 285-290, 1997.
11. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, V. P. Zavada, B. A. Ozerskii, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, Toshiro Kobayashi, Problem of evaluating the crack resistance in ceramics of Si3N4 and ZrO2, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 37, no. 1-2, pp. 21-26, 1996.
12. G. A. Gogotsi, B. I. Ozerskii and D. Yu. Ostrovoi, Indentation resistance of zirconia ceramics and crystals, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 37, no. 3-4, pp. 73-82, 1996.
13. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko and B. I. Ozerskii, Crack resistance and other characteristics of ceramics of partially stabilized zirconia with an iron oxide additive, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 37, no. 1-2, pp. 35-42, 1996.
14. G. A. Gogotsi, S. N. Dub, B. I. Ozerskii, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, G. E. Khomenko, E. E. Lomonova, et al., Zirconia crystals with yttrium and cerium oxides, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 199-207, 1995.
15. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, V. P. Zavada, M. V. Swain, Deformation and fracture of zirconia ceramics stabilized by СеО2. II. Crack resistance, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 78-81, 1995.
16. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, V. P. Zavada, M. V. Swain, Deformation and fracture of СеО2-stabilized zirconia ceramics. I. Strength and deformability, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 9-13, 1995.
17. G. A. Gogotsi, Mechanical behavior of zirconium dioxide crystals with additions of oxides of yttrium and cerium, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, vol. 34, no. 9-10, pp. 558-565, 1995.
18. G. A. Gogotsi, Thermal-shock resistance of heterogeneous ceramics and refractories, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 34, no. 11-12, pp. 539-547, 1993.
19. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, B. A. Ozerskii, E. E. Lomonova, V. A. Myzina, M. A. Vishnyakova, V. F. Kalabukhova, Strength and crack resistance of zirconium dioxide crystals containing yttrium and terbium oxides, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 34, no. 5-6, pp. 303-312, 1993.
20. G. A. Gogotsi, B. A. Ozerskii, O. B. Oksametnaya, Behavior of polycrystalline zirconium dioxide and single crystals during indentation, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 33, no. 11-12, pp. 453-461, 1992.
21. G. A. Gogotsi, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, E. E. Lomonova, Deformation characteristics of cubic single crystals of ZrO2, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 33, no. 3-4, pp. 152-158, 1992.
22. G. A. Gogotsi, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, Deformation features of ceramics during heating, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, vol. 33, no. 1-2, pp. 28-34, 1992.

Publications in Strength of Materials

1. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, S. P. Mudrik, B. I. Ozerskii, V. V. Khvorostyanyi and T. A. Khristevich, Glass fracture in edge flaking, Strength of Materials, vol. 39, no. 6, p. 639-645, 2007.
2. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture resistance of ceramics: Base diagram and R-line, Strength of Materials, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 261-270, 2006.
3. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, B. I. Ozerskii, T. A. Khristevich, Fracture Resistance of Ceramics: Edge Fracture Method, Strength of Materials, vol. 37, no. 5, p. 499-505, 2005.
4. D. Yu. Ostrovoi, G. A. Gogotsi, S. A. Gorban’, S. P. Oshkaderov, V. I. Stepkin, A. N. Bobokal, Strength and fracture toughness of ceramic materials for metal-ceramic prosthetic dentistry, Strength of Materials, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 323-330, 2005.
5. G. A. Gogotsi, S. P. Mudrik, Fracture resistance of ceramics upon edge chipping, Strength of Materials, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 545-547, 2004.
6. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture toughness studies on V-notched ceramic specimens, Strength of Materials, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 81-85, 2000.
7. G. A. Gogotsi, Deformation behavior of zirconias, Strength of Materials, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 638-644, 1998.
8. G. A. Gogotsi, B. I. Ozerskii, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, Mechanical behavior of zirconium dioxide-based ceramics and crystals. Communication 2. Indentation tests, Strength of Materials, vol. 27, no. 8, p. 441-447, 1995.
9. G. A. Gogotsi, Yu. I. Komolikov, D. Yu. Ostrovoi, S. Yu. Pliner, D. S. Rutman, Yu. S. Toropov, Strength and crack resistance of ceramics based on zirconium dioxide, Strength of Materials, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 61-64, 1988.
10. G. G. Gogotsi, I. V. Gridneva, Ya. L. Grushevskii, A. N. Negovskii, Yu. V. Mil'man, S. I. Chugunova, Strength and crack resistance of ceramics. Communication 4. Ceramics based on boron carbide, Strength of Materials, vol. 19, no. 10, p. 1359-1363, 1987.
11. G. A. Gogotsi, G. G. Gnesin, Ya. L. Grushevskii, V. P. Zavada, Strength and crack resistance of ceramics. Report 3. A silicon carbide ceramic, Strength of Materials, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 674-677, 1987.
12. G. A. Gogotsi, V. P. Zavada, Evaluation of the life of ceramics from subcritical crack growth parameters, Strength of Materials, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 210-214, 1985.
13. G. S. Pisarenko, G. A. Gogotsi and V. P. Zavada, Crack resistance of a constructional ceramic, Strength of Materials, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 445-451, 1985.
14. G. A. Gogotsi, V. P. Zavada and F. Ya. Kharitonov, Strength and crack resistance of ceramics. Report No. 1. Cordierite, Strength of Materials, vol. 16, no. 2, p. 1651-1655, 1984.
15. G. A. Gogotsi and Ya. L. Grushevskii, System for automated collection and processing of results of strength and thermal-stability studies in ceramics, Strength of Materials, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 752-757, 1984.
16. G. A. Gogotsi, A. M. Kushnirenko, Zh. S. Burman, L. P. Primak, Effect of machining on the strength of oxidic ceramic materials, Strength of Materials, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 349-353, 1980.
17. G. S. Pisarenko, G. A. Gogotsi, Design strength of ceramics for use in elements of gas-turbine engines, Strength of Materials, vol. 12, no.4, p. 403-411, 1980.
18. G. A. Gogotsi, I. A. Zakharov, A. M. Kushnirenko, E. S. Lukin, Strength of ceramic materials under mechanical and thermal actions. Communication 1. Yttrium oxide, Strength of Materials, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 1120-1124, 1979.
19. G. A. Gogotsi, Analysis of stress-strain diagrams and classification of low-deforming materials by their behavior under stress, Strength of Materials, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 347-351, 1978.
20. G. A. Gogotsi, L. P. Primak, V. A. Stepanenko, A. I. Zakharov, Fracture characteristics of ceramic materials during thermal impact loading, Strength of Materials, vol. 9, no. 7, p. 877-882, 1977.
21. G. A. Gogotsi, The problem of the classification of low-deformation materials based on the features of their behavior under load, Strength of Materials, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 77-83, 1977.
22. A. G. Gashchenko, G. A. Gogotsi, A. G. Karaulov, I. N. Rudak, Thermal shock resistance and mechanical characteristics of materials based on zirconium dioxide, Strength of Materials, vol. 6, no. 6, p. 732-736, 1974.
23. G. A. Gogotsi, Investigation of certain problems related to the failure of thermally loaded refractories, Strength of Materials, vol. 6, no. 5, p. 589-592, 1974.
24. G. A. Gogotsi, L. A. Kozdoba, F. A. Krivoshei, Determination of thermal stability and thermophysical characteristics of corundum materials, Strength of Materials, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 89-93, 1971.
25. G. A. Gogotsi, Yu. P. Kotel'nikov, Yu. N. Lankin, N. N. Radin, Program-controlled radiation heater, Strength of Materials, vol. 2, no. 7, p. 699-702, 1970.
26. G. A. Gogotsi, R. I. Kuriat, B. I. Terekhovskii, S. G. Tresvyatskii, Investigation of fracture in aluminum silicate refractoris containing boron nitride, Strength of Materials, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 253-256, 1970.
27. G. A. Gogotsi, Method for the investigation of brittle materials using tubular specimens, Strength of Materials, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 202-206, 1970.

Fracture resistance estimation, edge fracture, edge flaking, and edge chipping problems.

1. G. A. Gogotsi and S. P. Mudrik, Glasses: New approach to fracture behavior analysis, J. Non-Cryst. Solids (2010), 1021-1026.
2. G. A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, S.P. Mudrik, B.I. Ozersky, V.V. Khvorostyany, T.A. Khristevich, Fracture resistance estimation of elastic ceramics in edge flaking: EF baseline. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 30 (2010) 1223-1228.
3. G. A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, S.P. Mudrik, B.I. Ozersky, V.V. Khvorostyany, T.A. Khristevich, Fracture behaviour of Y-TZP ceramics: New outcomes, Ceramics international, 36 (2010) 345-350.
4. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture behaviour of Mg-PSZ ceramics: Comparative estimates, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 2735-2740.
5. G. A. Gogotsi, S. P. Mudrik, Fracture barrier estimation by the edge fracture test method, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1871-1875.
6. G. A. Gogotsi, Mechanical behaviour of a silicon nitride particulate ceramic composite, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1109-1114.
7. G. A. Gogotsi, S. P. Mudrik, V. I. Galenko, Evaluation of fracture resistance of ceramics: Edge fracture tests, Ceramics International, 33 (2007) 315-320
8. G.A. Gogotsi, V.I. Galenko, B.I. Ozersky, T.A. Khristevich, V.I. Karban, Direct determination of fracture resistance of ceramics by the edge fracture method, Industrial Laboratory, 73 (2007) 49-53. (in Russian)
9. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, S. P. Mudrik, B. I. Ozerskii, V. V. Khvorostyany, T. A. Khristevich, Glass fracture in edge flaking, Strength of Materials, 39 (2007) 639-645.
10. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture resistance of ceramics: base diagram and R-line, Strength of Materials, 38 (2006) 261-270.
11. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture resistance of ceramics: direct measurements, Advan. Sci. Techn., 45 (2006) 95-100.
12. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture resistance of advanced ceramics: alternative estimations, (2006) 382-386.
13. G. A. Gogotsi, Fracture toughness testing of materials by the EF method, Inorganic materials, 42 (2006) 567-572.
14. G. A. Gogotsi, Flaking toughness of advanced ceramics: ancient principle revived in modern times, Mat. Res. Innov., 10-2, (2006) 45-47, 179-186.
15. G. A. Gogotsi, Refractory and ceramic materials crack resistance of modern ceramics and ceramic composites. II. EF method, Powder metallurgy, 45 (2006) 328-336.
16. G. A. Gogotsi, V. I. Galenko, B. I. Ozerskii, UDC 539.4 and T. A. Khristevich, Fracture resistance of ceramics: edge fracture method, Strength of Materials, 37 (2005) 449-505.
17. G. A. Gogotsi and S. P. Mudrik, Brief communications fracture resistance of ceramics upon edge chipping, Strength of Materials, 36 (2004) 545-547.
18. G. A. Gogotsi and S. P. Mudrik, Sensitivity of silicon carbide and other ceramics to edge fracture: method and results, The American Ceramic Society, 25 (2004) 236-246.

Professor Yury G. Gogotsi

Юрий Гогоци, профессор кафедры материаловедения и инженерных наук Дрексельского университета

Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Founder and Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Education: Dr. Gogotsi received his M.S. (1984) and Ph.D. (1986) degrees from Kiev Polytechnic, and a
D.Sc. degree from the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in 1995. He performed his post-
doctoral research in Germany supported by Alexander von Humboldt, in Norway supported
by NATO and in Japan, supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)


Professional Affiliations (elected):
Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), American
Ceramic Society, The Electrochemical Society, as well as Academician of the World
Academy of Ceramics and Full Member of the International Institute for the Science of

Selected Awards

S. Somiya Award from the International Union of Materials Research Societies, G.C.
Kuczynski Prize from the International Institute for the Science of Sintering, R. Snow Award
from the American Ceramic Society (3 times), I.N. Frantsevich Prize from the Ukrainian
Academy of Science, R&D 100 Award from R&D Magazine (twice) and two Nano 50TM
Awards from NASA Nanotech Briefs.

Research Interests

His research interests include nanostructured materials for energy related and biomedical applications, including supercapacitors, batteries and cellular probes.  He works on carbon (nanotubes, porous carbons, nanodiamond), titania and metal nanoparticles. He also widely uses vibrational spectroscopy and electron microscopy techniques for in situ studies of material behavior under changing environment and temperature, or under applied stress.Journal Articles And Papers, Books, Conference Presentations of Prof. Yury Gogotsi>>


Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Yury G. Gogotsi was qualified as an engineer-researcher in 1984 (Engineering Physics Department, Faculty of powder metallurgy) and the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Ph.D.) in 1986 (Physical Chemistry) from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko and Yury Gogotsi Y. Gogotsi also earned Doctor of Sciences (Dr.Sc.) from the Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1995. Y.Gogotsi's research group works in carbon nanoparticles, ceramics, and phase transformations under pressure in semiconductors. Y. Gogotsi is co-author of two books, editor of ten books, has received more than 20 patents and has authored nearly 250 scientific articles. Y. Gogotsi works cited more than 3500 times in the world according to the publications of the Institute for Scientific Information. Y.Gogotsi received many awards for his research, including I.N. Frantsevich prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sômiya Award from International Union of Materials Research Societies, G.C. Kuczynski Prize from the International Institute for the Science of Sintering, R. Snow Award from the American Ceramic Society (three times - in 2003, 2005 and 2007), two Nano 50 awards from NASA Nanotech Briefs. Y. Gogotsi elected academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, an honorary member of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), American Society of Electrochemistry (ECS), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and also he is a member of International Institute for the Science of Sintering.

At the 43rd Annual "R&D 100" Awords 2003, Chicago

Dr. Ali Erdemir, Argonne National Lab; Ph.D. student Sascha Welz; Dr. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University; Dr. Mike McNallan, UIC.

 "R&D 100" 2003, Chicago

Every year only two professors in Drexel University from more than a thousand can be named as the winners of Drexel University Awards. Professor Yury Gogotsi received it the second time.

The highest Drexel University Award 2009 The highest Drexel University Award 2009
Dean of the Engineering center doctor S.Gucheri and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi) Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with Drexel University Award

Annual R&D 100 Awards 2009

The R&D 100 Award were established in 1963. Over the years, the R&D 100 Awards have recognized winning products with such household names as Polacolor film (1963), the flashcube (1965), the automated teller machine (1973), the halogen lamp (1974), the fax machine (1975), the liquid crystal display (1980), the printer (1986), the Kodak Photo CD (1991), the Nicoderm antismoking patch (1992), Taxol anticancer drug (1993), lab on a chip (1996), and HDTV (1998).
R&D 100 Award Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (on right) with "R&D 100" Award) Ranjan Dash and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director,   A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with "R&D 100" Award Ranjan Dash (on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (in center) with "R&D 100" Award)
The 47th International Annual R&D 100 Awards

Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi and L. Gogotsi at the 47th International Annual R&D 100 Awards
Dr. Ranjan Dash (Y.Carbon,Inc.)(on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with International Annual R&D 100 Award

Ranjan Dash (on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (in center) with "R&D 100" Award

Conference IPMS, Kiev, September 2009

During conference dinner (from left to right) Prof. Eugene Olevsky from San   Diego State, Yury Gogotsi, Prof. Valery Skorokhod (the conference chair and IPMS   Director) and Prof. Sergey Firstov (IPMS Deputy Director). During the conference dinner (from left to right) Prof. Eugene Olevsky from San Diego State, Yury Gogotsi, Prof. Valery Skorokhod (the conference chair and IPMS Director) and Prof. Sergey Firstov (IPMS Deputy Director).

Professor Yury Gogotsi received the Distinguished Professor Award of the A. J. Drexel University

Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi during awarding
On fourth of October, 2010 Drexel University has selected Prof. Yury Gogotsi as the recipient of the Distinguished Professor Award . This award is the highest distinction offered to Drexel University faculty. On the photos: Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with the Distinguished Professor Award).
A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute
Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with the diploma of Distinguished Professor Award

2011 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, MRS Fellow 2011

April 25 - 29, 2011 San Francisco, California

At the Award ceremony of the Spring MRS Meeting Yury Gogotsi, Ph.D., D.Sc. Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair Professor, Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute (DNI), was selected as one Fellow per a thousand of members.

Ю.Гогоци, MRS Fellow 2011 MRS Spring Meeting 2011 2011 MRS Fellow diploma

2011 MRS Fellow - Professor Yury Gogotsi near the Fellow poster

Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA, with the MRS President Jim de Yoreo and Prof. Vladimir Tsukruk, Georgia Institute of Technology Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA, and Prof. Vladimir Tsukruk, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, with the 2011 MRS Fellow diploma

Yury Gogotsi: Journal Articles And Papers, Books, Conference Presentations >>

Most popular publications of Y.G. Gogotsi *

Yu.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, "Corrosion of High-Perfomance Ceramics" // Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992

D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, "Review: Static and Dynamic Behavior of Liquids inside Carbon Nanotubes" // Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2008, 5, 289 - 305

P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, "Materials for Electrochemical Capacitors" // Nature Materials, 2008, 7 (11), 845 - 854

Y. Gogotsi, "Nanomaterials Handbook" // CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2006

J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, C. Portet, P. Simon, P. L. Taberna, "Anomalous Increase in Carbon Capacitance at Pore Sizes Less Than 1 Nanometer" // Science, 2006, 313, 1760 - 1763

F. Ko, Y. Gogotsi, A. Ali, N. Naguib, H. Ye, G. Yang, C. Li, P. Willis, "Electrospinning of Continuous Carbon Nanotube-Filled Nanofiber Yarns" // Advanced Materials, 2003, 15 (14), 1161 - 1165

Y. Gogotsi, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, W. Zhou, J.E. Fischer, B. Yi, H. C. Foley, M. W. Barsoum, "Nanoporous carbide-derived carbon with tuneable pore size" // Nature Materials, 2003, 2 (9), 591 - 594

Y. Gogotsi, S. Welz, D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, "Conversion of Silicon Carbide to Crystalline Diamond-Structured Carbon at Ambient Pressure" // Nature, 2001, 411, 283 - 287

Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera, N. Kalashnikov, and M. Yoshimura, "Graphite Polyhedral Crystals" // Science, 2000, 290, 317 - 320.

G. Gogotsi, D. Ostrovoy, B. Ozersky, A. Gogotsi, Y.Gogotsi, "Test Procedures and Equipment for the Mechanical Evaluation of Nanostructured Systems and Other Brittle Materials" // NATO ASI "Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Technology", 6-17 September 2004, Sozopol, Bulgaria

O. Mashtalir, S. Pogulay, M. Verovchuk, A. Gogotsi, M. Kurtoglu, I. Knocke, Y. Gogotsi, "Synthesis of Photocatalytically Active Titania Nanoparticles" // 12th International Ceramics Congress, CIMTEC, Montecatini Terme, Italy, 2010

Yu. G. Gogotsi, A. G. Gogotsi and O. D. Shcherbina, "Effect of oxidation on the strength of silicon nitride base reaction sintered ceramics" //Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics, 1986, 25 (5), 388-391

A. Gurga, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, D. Pepe, C. Picardi, "Nanoindentation study of the effect of nanodiamond additives on electroless deposition nickel-boride coatings" // Proceedings of the Conference HEMs-2006, 11-14 September 2006, Belokurikha, Altai region.

Carbon Nanomaterials

Book 'Carbon Nanomaterials' The book contains an exhaustive review of the latest data on all types of carbon nanomaterials. That book considered the specific properties and practical methods for the synthesis of carbon nano-materials, new technologies and applications in various fields: molecular electronics, sensor technology, nano-and microelectromechanical devices, displays, field emission, the medium for hydrogen storage, electrodes in batteries and supercapacitors, composite nanomaterials.The book describes the carbon nanotubes and other nanostructured forms of carbon: fullerenes, nanodiamonds, nanofibres, nanokonusy, nanospirali, nanousy and graphite polyhedral crystals. Carbon nanomaterials / ed. by Gogotsi Yury, Taylor & Francis,Boca Raton, FL, USA 2006.

Selected publications list of Alexey G. Gogotsi>>

Science and Technology

Personalities in science

Council of scientists
Nobel prize in Physics >>
<< International research and education
PBFC 2009 International Conference on Polymer Batteries and Fuell Cell. Yokogama, Japan 2-6.08.2009 >>
First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France 29.06-2.07.2009 >>
NATO Advanced Study Institute (NATO ASI): Biodefence: Advanced materials and methods for health protection. Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Samarkand1-10.06.2009 >>
NATO Advanced Study Institute (NATO ASI): Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Technology. Sozopol, Bulgaria 6-17.09.2004 >>

On the top

< Пред.   След. >


26.08.2017 02:57
Drexel researchers have developed a recipe for self batteries
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04.06.2017 23:47
Professor Yury Gogotsi was speaking about nanotechnology in energy storage at the World Science Fest
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MXenes discovered by prof. Yury Gogotsi are at the forefront of 2D materials research
It’s been just over five years since researchers in Drexel’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering reported on a new, two-dimensional material composed of titanium and carbon atoms, called MXene...
11.02.2017 18:56
It’s been just over five years since researchers in Drexel’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering reported on a new, two-dimensional material composed of titanium and carbon atoms, called MXene...
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