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Yury Gogotsi gave a seminar lecture on MXenes and Their Applications
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Yury Gogotsi gave a seminar lecture on Two-Dimensional Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) and Their Applications in Energy Storage, Jilin University, China

June 16, 2016 Prof. Yury Gogotsi gave a seminar lecture on Two-Dimensional Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) and Their Applications in Energy Storage for the sudents and researchers of Jilin University, Changchun, China. Oleksiy Gogotsi, director of Materiials Research Centre visited this seminar with research partners from Jilin University as well as many students and young researchers.

MXenes are a new family of 2D transition metal carbides and/or nitrides discovered and being developed in Drexel University, USA, that can be used in many applications such as energy storage systems (e.g. lithium ion batteries). 

Director of Materials Research Centre Oleksiy Gogotsi visited interesting seminar lecture of Prof. Yury Gogotsi on MXenes for the students of Jilin University.

MXenes can be intercalated with a variety of organic molecules and inorganic salts which not only enables synthesis of different intercalation compounds but also leads to new applications for these materials. These materials could be used for a wide range of applications including electronic devices, sensors, reinforcement for composites, and energy storage materials.

MXenes combine the metallic conductivity of transition metal carbide/nitrides with the hydrophilic nature of their hydroxyl or oxygen terminated surfaces. In essence, they behave as “conductive clays”. This unique combination suggests MXenes can be used in many applications from energy storage, to sensors to catalysts.

Seminar by prof. Yury Gogotsi on MXenes for energy aplications in Jilin University, Changchun, China

Prof. Yury Gogotsi gave a lecture on MXenes for the students of Jilin University

Prof. Yury Gogotsi gave a lecture on MXenes for the students of Jilin University

Prof. Yury Gogotsi gave a lecture on MXenes for the students of Jilin University


 Read more about MXenes on mrc.org.ua

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