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4th International Conference Nanobiophysics: Fundamental and Applied Aspects 1-4 October 2015
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4th International Conference

Nanobiophysics: Fundamental and Applied Aspects

1-4 October 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine

altThe conference brought together the scientists working in the fields of nanosciences, nanotechnologies and molecular biophysics and dealing with the biological macromolecules or their complexes with any kind of nanoparticles or nanostructured media.

Director of Materials Research Centre Oleksiy Gogotsi visited Nanobio 2015 Conference to present a poster presentation as a result of joint work between Materials Research Centre, Nanomaterials Group from Drexel University, led by prof. Yury Gogotsi (USA) and also prof. Patrice Simon, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse III (France): Nanostructured tunable mesoporous carbon for energy and biomedical applications.

Oleksiy Gogotsi also gave an oral report on  Nanodiamonds for drug delivery and other biomedical applications. Even though that report was the final at the conference, it caused an active and lively discussion among the participants due to interesting and actual subjects of research.

The goal of the conference was to discuss recent achievements and to push forward this innovative area of science and technology. The conference was devoted to the memory of Prof. Valery Kharkyanen - the famous theoretical physicist and the founder of the department of Physics of Biological Systems in the Institute of Physics. 

The main topics in the areas of nanosciences and nanotechnologies, which involve the biological molecules, were encompassed: Physics of the nanosystems based on biological macromolecules. Theory and computer simulations; Physical aspects of biomolecular nanosystems; Interactions of biomolecules with the nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces; Enhancement of the optical processes in biomolecules by nanostructured metal surfaces; Hybrides of the biomolecules with carbon nanostrucrures (graphene, nanotubes, fullerenes, and other carbon nanoparticles).

Read more about the Conference NBP 2015 on mrc.org.ua

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