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Final Technical Meeting and Discussions on International R&D Projects
Technical Meeting and Discussions on International R&D Projects
Main objective of that projects is to develop and manufacture a number of experimental and new lines of experimental equipment for the development of technologies and materials for manufacturing of batteries for electric drive vehicles....

Final Technical Meeting and Discussions on International R&D Projects

“New materials for Electric Drive Vehicles”

"Recycling Spent Batteries for Electric Drive Vehicles, August 28-30, 2013"

That research projects were organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (United States Department of Energy (DoE), Argonne National Laboratory, USA, for the development of new batteries for electric drive vehicles.

Main objective of that projects is to develop and manufacture a number of experimental and new lines of experimental equipment for the development of technologies and materials for manufacturing of batteries for electric drive vehicles.

Final Technical Meeting  on International R&D Project “New materials for Electric Drive Vehicles”, August 7th, 2013

Meeting of Ukrainian participants of the project R483 "New materials for electric drive vehicles and U.S. partners was held  in the MRC office and work premises on August 7th 2013.It was attended byP483 project technical monitor Dave Carter and Andrew Castiglioni (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), american partner Igor Barsukov (American Energy Technologies Company, USA), project manager S.Saenko (KIPT), O. Gogotsi (Materials Research Centre), M.Gubinskiy (NMetAU), and STCU representatives- STCU’s Deputy Executive Director (USA) Vic Korsun, I.Tomashevskaya.

Project participants at MRC work premises observed equipment manufactured by MRC. From left to right: O.Gogotsi, Director of Materials Research Centre, STCU’s Deputy Executive Director (USA) Vic Korsun, Igor Barsukov (American Energy Technologies Company, USA), Andrew Castiglioni (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), project manager M.Gubinskiy (DMetAU) At the photo from left to right: O.Gogotsi, MRC Director, Igor Barsukov (American Energy Technologies Company, USA), project manager S.Saenko (KIPT), project technical monitor Dave Carter (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), project manager M.Gubinskiy (DMetAU), at MRC work premises, August 2013

Inspecting the control units for auxilliary equipment, manufactured by MRC. from left to right: T. Moshnyaga (MRC), project technical monitor Dave Carter and Andrew Castiglioni (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), O.Gogotsi, MRC Director, project manager S.Saenko (KIPT), project manager M.Gubinskiy (DMetAU), I.Tomashevskaya (STCU), August 2013 At the photo from left to right: I. Sagal and Y. Zozylia (MRC), Deputy Executive Director (USA) Vic Korsun (STCU), Igor Barsukov (American Energy Technologies Company, USA), Dave Carter and Andrew Castiglioni (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), project manager S.Saenko (KIPT), I.Tomashevskaya (STCU), O.Gogotsi, MRC Director, project manager M.Gubinskiy (DMetAU)


Technical Meeting and Discussion on International R&D Project "Recycling Spent Batteries for Electric Drive Vehicles", August 8th, 2013

Техническое совещание и осмотр высокотемпературной печи, изготовленной в Центре материаловедения в рамках проекта P483MRC was visited by US project manger Upendra S. Rohatgi (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Igor Barsukov (American Energy Technologies Company), Ukrainian project manager M.Gubinskiy (NMetAU), O. Gogotsi (Materials Research Centre), and STCU representatives- STCU’s Deputy Executive Director from USA Vic Korsun and N.Dudko.

Read more about MRC participating in international R&D Project

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