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News from DOM.UA - science
02.06.2011 23:11
The conference provides a unique scope involving a blend of science, technology and business. It brings together leading international scientists, engineers, top-level industrial management and business executives for discussions on the status of advanced materials, new technologies and industrial and business opportunities. Pretoria, South Africa

11th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials
22 - 27 May 2011. Pretoria, South Africa

The conference provides an unique scope involving a blend of science, technology and business. It brings together leading international scientists, engineers, top-level industrial management and business executives for discussions on the status of advanced materials, new technologies and industrial and business opportunities. The conference is truly multidisciplinary and global with participation of scientists, engineers, industrialists and business representatives.  There were expected 350 national and International delegates, including Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA. He was one of the keynote and plenary speakers at the conference.

The conference included general plenary talks, tutorials, invited lectures, contributed talks as well as poster sessions. An industrial exhibition was held and also 3-4 parallel sessions was organized to cover the conference topics.

The main conference objectives are:

To highlight advances and new findings in polymers and advanced materials and their impact on new technologies;

To facilitate technology transfer and new business opportunities by bringing together representative from academia, research centers, industries and business;

To foster international collaborations and joint ventures;

To cooperate with the formation of the new generations of scientific and professionals committed to the scientific-technological innovation in the region;

To promote the growth of scientific and technical infrastructure in the field of polymers and advanced materials technologies.

Y.Gogotsi with researches, diamond mines, Pretoria, South Africa

Professor Y.Gogotsi with colleagues, South Africa, Pretoria

Y.Gogotsi, Pretoria, South Africa

Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with researches during the excursion to the diamond mines. Pretoria/South Africa. 22 - 27 May 2011


Professor Y.Gogotsi Kimberlite rock interspersed with diamond

Natural Diamond, mines, South Africa, Pretoria

Diamond CULLINAN II, South Africa, Pretoria



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