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News from DOM.UA - science
14.11.2009 13:45

Rewarding of Drexel University and Y-Carbon, Inc. with the R&D 100 Award 2009 ( Orlando, November,12 )

It is quite legitimate that technology, developed by Drexel University and Y-Carbon, Inc. was named as one of the winners of the prestigious American R&D 100 Awards this year . Professor Gogotsi and Dr. Dash received the award for the tunable nanoporous carbon developed at Drexel and commercialized by Y-Carbon, Inc. It is the second award that Professor Gogotsi received from R&D Magazine for his scientific achievements.

Over the years, the R&D 100 Awards have recognized winning products with such household names as Polacolor film (1963), the flashcube (1965), the automated teller machine (1973), the halogen lamp (1974), the fax machine (1975), the liquid crystal display (1980), the printer (1986), the Kodak Photo CD (1991), the Nicoderm antismoking patch (1992), Taxol anticancer drug (1993), lab on a chip (1996), and HDTV (1998).

The 47th  International Annual  R&D 100  Awards Профессор Юрий Гогоци (справа) с Международной наградой "R&D 100" (Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director,   A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (on right) with "R&D 100" Award) Ранжан Даш (слева) и Профессор Юрий Гогоци с Международной наградой "R&D 100" (Ranjan Dash and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director,   A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with "R&D 100" Award) Ранжан Даш (слева) и Профессор Юрий Гогоци (в центре) с Международной наградой "R&D 100" (Ranjan Dash (on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director,   A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (in center) with "R&D 100" Award)
The 47th  International Annual  R&D 100  Awards
in Technologies and Strategies that enable Research and Development


Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi  and L. Gogotsi  at the 47th  International Annual  R&D 100 Awards
Dr. Ranjan Dash (Y.Carbon,Inc.)(on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi with  International Annual R&D100 Award


Ranjan Dash (on left) and Trustee Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute Y.Gogotsi (in center) with "R&D 100" Award
< Пред.   След. >


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