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Первый международный симпозиум по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция 2009.
Первый международный симпозиум по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция 2009.

First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors. Universite de Nantes, June 29th - July 2nd 2009

Nantes, France, 2009

Город Нант, Франция.


Highlighting the following topics:
  • Electrical double layer capacitors and pseudocapacitors
  • Electrode materials: carbons, oxides, polymers,...
  • Electrolytes (organic, aqueous, ionic liquids)
  • Electrochemistry and interface phenomena
  • Symmetric and asymmetric systems
  • Devices, performances and applications

Electrochemical capacitors, also called supercapacitors, are electricity storage devices subject to increasing research efforts due to their potential technological impact in a wide variety of applications, from portable electronics to stationary power sources or electrical/hybrid vehicles. The enhancement of energy and power densities, cycle life and safety in use remain strongly related to the choice of electrode materials, electrode/electrolyte interactions as well as electrochemical storage mechanisms in various complex systems. A few meetings offer the opportunity to gather most renowned experts in the related fields together with non-specialist engineers and researchers who would like to know more about these storage devices identified as major electrochemical systems for the near future. ISEE'Cap09 is a unique opportunity for researchers to give and access an overview of the most recent recent results on electrochemical capacitors, covering a wide range of scientific and technological aspects intimately related to each other for the achievement of enhanced storage devices.

Выступление профессора Юрия Гогоци на Первом международном симпозиуме по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009 (Appearance of professor Yury Gogotsi is in the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors). В зале заседаний во время проведения Первого международного симпозиума по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009. Крайний справа профессор Ю. Гогоци (In the hall of meetings during conducting of theFirst International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi) В зале заседаний во время проведения Первого международного симпозиума по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009. Крайний справа профессор Ю. Гогоци (In the hall of meetings during conducting of theFirst International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi)
Appearance of professor Yury Gogotsi is in the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors In the hall of meetings during conducting of the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi In the hall of meetings during conducting of the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi
Обед участников  Первого международного симпозиума по   электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009. Второй справа профессор   Ю. Гогоци (Dinner during  the First International   Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on   the right professor Yu. Gogotsi) Обед участников  Первого международного симпозиума по   электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009. Второй справа профессор   Ю. Гогоци (Dinner during  the First International   Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on   the right professor Yu. Gogotsi)
Dinner during the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi Dinner during the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi
В перерыве во время проведения Первого международного симпозиума по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009. Крайний справа профессор Ю. Гогоци (Break during the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi) Групповое фото участников  Первого международного симпозиума по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009.Групповое фото участников  Первого международного симпозиума по электрохимическим конденсаторам. Нант, Франция, 2009 (The group photo of participants  of the First International Symposiumon Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors).
Break during the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors. Nant, France, 2009. Extreme on the right professor Yu. Gogotsi The group photo of participants  of the First International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capasitors


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